La modelo Elizabeth Hoad se ha casado con su perro Logan, un golden retriever. El programa americano This Morning fue el encargado de emitir en directo el enlace.

Hoad ha mantenido relaciones sentimentales son famosos como el golfista Seve Ballesteros y el piloto de Fórmula Uno James Hunt. Tras sus fracasos amorosos, ha decidido que quién mejor que su leal mascota para contraer matrimonio.

Tras conocer la noticia de que su último novio se casaba, la modelo decidió acoger a un cachorro que asegura que la «salvó». Logan se ha convertido en su mejer compañero de vida y, asegura, que hay más gente como ella: «Me reúno con otros diez amigos a la semana, hacemos muchos viajes con nuestros perros, y como estoy en paro, ellos me plantearon que me casara con Logan».

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FORMER model Elizabeth Hoad has given up on men after 220 failed dates ? and is going to ?marry? her dog. Elizabeth, 49, hopes to persuade a priest at her local Catholic church to bless her union with six-year-old Golden Retriever Logan. She will wear a wedding ring and Logan a gold wristband, top hat, waistcoat and bow tie. A pal?s huskies ? Ajax and Bear ? will be best men on August 2, the first anniversary of when she got the rescue pooch. Twenty people will be at their wedding party before a dog-friendly hotel honeymoon. Elizabeth, of Ascot, Berks, who has been engaged twice but never married, said: ?I?m done with men. ?I?ve had 220 dates in eight years from six dating sites and it?s generally been a disaster. ?I thought it would be a good idea to ?marry? Logan instead. ?He never leaves my side and we love one another. ?Some might think I?m bonkers but it feels right. ?It?s my way of saying we?ll be together forever.? Elizabeth says some people might think she is ?bonkers? As well as being a former pro golfer, Elizabeth has also previously modelled for Page 3 Six-year-old Logan is a rescue dog Heartbreaking moment loyal dog refuses to leave its owner?s coffin as it's laid out following his death hours earlier #Humananddogmarriage #ElizabethHoad #peoplesdigestonline #PeoplesDigest

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En la emisión, la mujer y su perro caminaron hacia el altar en una ceremonia oficiada por una exconcursante de Big Brother, Alison Hammond. Ahora, Elisabeth quiere convencer al sacerdote de su iglesia para que bendiga su unión.