General view of the Hofsjokull glacier August 20, 2014. The threat of an eruption of Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano has increased, according to the Icelandic Meteorological Office, with 'intense seismic activity' and 'ongoing magma movement' reported at the site of the volcano. The heightened activity around the volcano which began with an earthquake on Saturday, was the strongest earthquake in the area since 1996. The aviation colour code, used to indicate the level of risk a volcano poses to air travel, ha | STRINGER
La agencia de protección civil de Islandia decidió evacuar la zona al norte del volcán Bardarbunga, pues ha dicho que no se puede descartar una erupción. La autoridades confirmaron ayer que se había completado la evacuación de un centenar de turistas que se encontraban en la zona del volcán Bardarbunga.
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