Pandemia de coronavirus
Los datos del coronavirus en Baleares del 14 de abril
Un total de 58 nuevos contagios de coronavirus han sido notificados por Salut Pública este miércoles al Centro de Alertas y Emergencias Sanitarias, en una nueva jornada sin fallecidos por COVID-19 en Baleares. El Servei de Salut ha realizado en las últimas 24 horas 3.222 pruebas diagnóstica, situándose la tasa de positividad en el 1,8 por ciento.
También en Noticias
- Silencio tras la okupación: el inquietante paisaje en el edificio Neptuno II
- Cierra Draps, una de las tiendas de moda más vanguardistas de Palma de las últimas cuatro décadas
- La cuarta nevada de la temporada llega al Puig Major
- Desestiman una reclamación de medio millón de euros por perder la visión de un ojo tras una operación en Son Espases
- Otro macropoblado de chabolas oculto a las afueras de Palma
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Baia baia con el monstruo de los negativos. Te cosen por responder a una simple duda.
@raimund In our attorneys office we just received British clients who are also selling/buying a property this week and they had absolutely no problems passing the airport controls. It must have been a very specific issue with the person you are referring to.
Ups, it seems someone committed a huge mistake. Brits are and have always been warmly welcome!
please somebody explain what is going on .An english person is selling his apartment in mallorca to a german person.the english person has been Vaccinated has the negative test ,has the letter from attorney to come and go to notary appointment and filled in correct medical form .all papers checked before boarding in England. when he arrives in Palma he is refused entry and no reason given .he is put back on the plane . The german is allowed to come to mallorca with only negative test and has no problem to enter Mallorca.What is going on ? Is Mallorca or Spain punishing the British for leaving the EU and getting them to not come anymore to buy or sell their properties.?What negative signal are the mallorca authorities sending out to future tourists. What are the correct regulations please !!!