La modelo Ulrikke Hoyer ha criticado a través de las redes sociales que la consideraran «demasiado grande» para desfilar, por lo que le pidieron que «se alimente solo de agua durante 24 horas». Una proposición que «sorprendió» a la modelo, que tiene una talla 34-36.

«Acabo de regresar de Tokio, Japón, donde Louis Vuitton organizó un hermoso espectáculo en un crucero en Kioto, al que nunca llegué porque soy demasiado grande», explica Ulrikke Hoyer en Instagram. «Ashley Brokaw dijo que había habido algunos problemas durante el montaje. Según ella, yo tenía 'un estómago y una cara muy hinchada' y me instó a morirme de hambre con esta declaración 'Ulrikke necesita beber sólo agua para las próximas 24 horas'. Me sorprendí cuando lo escuché.

«Me alegro de tener 20 años con un fondo deportivo y no ser una niña de 15 años, que acaba de empezar en esto e insegura de sí misma, porque no tengo ninguna duda de que yo habría terminado enferma», termina diciendo la modelo en la red social.

I just returned from Tokyo/Japan, where Louis Vuitton held a beautiful cruise show in Kyoto, I just never made it to Kyoto cause I was canceled for the show due to being ?too big?. (I?m a size 34-36) Ashley Brokaw?s caster Alexia had said that there had been some problems during the fitting. According to her I had ?a very bloated stomach?, ?bloated face?, and urged me to starve myself with this statement ?Ulrikke needs to drink only water for the next 24 hours?. I was shocked when I heard it. I woke up at 2am and was extremely hungry. The breakfast started at 6:30am ? I had the absolute minimum. I was afraid to meet Alexia so my luck she didn?t arrive until 8am, when my plate was taken off the table. She said good morning to me and the other girls and looked at me, then down on my non-existent plate and up at me again. She was checking if I had been eating food. At 7pm my mother agent from Denmark called my to tell the sad news that Louis Vuitton had chosen to cancel me from the show without the refitting and that I was going to be sent back home. Not only did I have a belly, my face was puffy now also my back was a problem. I am glad I?m 20 years old with an elite sports background and not a 15 year old girl, who are new to this and unsure about herself, because I have no doubt that I would then have ended up very sick and scarred long into my adult life. TO READ THE FULL STORY CLICK IN MY BIO!!!!!!! #LVCruise2018 #mistreatmentofmodels #AshleyBrokaw #thefutureisfemale #sowhyeatingdisorders #youknowitstrue #shareifyoucare #jamespscully

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